If you call this with argument "unused=true" it searches for the translation strings that exist in en_US but are never used.
IMPORTANT: that can take quite a lot of time (up to 10 minutes), you need to tune the max_execution_time on your php.ini accordingly.

Duplicate strings in lang files in /home/pubplus/www/dolibarr/dev/translation/../../htdocs/langs/en_US/ - 293 found

#StringFile and lines
1ShowAccountingJournalaccountancy.lang (107 - Show accounting journal) (336 - Show accounting journal)
28IfYouUseASecondTaxYouMustSetYouUseTheMainTaxadmin.lang (2304 - If you want to use a second tax, you must enable also the first sales tax) (2308 - If you want to use a second tax, you must enable also the first sales tax)
29IfYouUseAThirdTaxYouMustSetYouUseTheMainTaxadmin.lang (2305 - If you want to use a third tax, you must enable also the first sales tax) (2309 - If you want to use a third tax, you must enable also the first sales tax)
31CIDLookupURLadmin.lang (2359 - The module brings an URL that can be used by an external tool to get the name of a thirdparty or contact from its phone number. URL to use is:) (2369 - The module brings an URL that can be used by an external tool to get the name of a thirdparty or contact from its phone number. URL to use is:)
39AssetDepreciationOptionAcceleratedDepreciationassets.lang (119 - Accelerated depreciation (tax)) (125 - Accelerated (tax))
46logDOC_PREVIEWblockedlog.lang (23 - Preview of a validated document in order to print or download) (45 - Preview of a validated document in order to print or download)
47logDOC_DOWNLOADblockedlog.lang (24 - Download of a validated document in order to print or send) (44 - Download of a validated document in order to print or send)
58DATAPOLICYReturn datapolicy.lang (82 - GDPR Validation) (85 - GDPR Return)
60ErrorRefAlreadyExistserrors.lang (11 - Reference <b>%s</b> already exists.) (88 - Ref used for creation already exists.)
235NotTheAssignedApproverholiday.lang (80 - You are not the assigned approver) (112 - You are not the assigned approver)
240Language_en_AElanguages.lang (4 - Arabic (United Arab Emirates)) (31 - English (United Arab Emirates))
241Language_es_GTlanguages.lang (51 - Spanish (Guatemala)) (60 - Spanish (Guatemala))
246Ratemain.lang (352 - Rate) (1179 - Rate)
250NoRecordedMembersmembers.lang (7 - No recorded members) (243 - No recorded members)
253ReasonDeclineOrCancelpartnership.lang (58 - Decline reason) (92 - Reason for declining or canceling)
283unitGproducts.lang (209 - Gram) (217 - Gram)
284unitMproducts.lang (210 - Meter) (221 - Meter)
285unitM2products.lang (212 - Square meter) (227 - Square meter)
286unitM3products.lang (213 - Cubic meter) (233 - Cubic meter)
287ThirdPartyRequiredToGenerateInvoiceprojects.lang (251 - A third party must be defined on project to be able to invoice it.) (252 - A third party must be defined on project to be able to create intervention.)
289Receptionreceptions.lang (5 - Reception) (8 - Reception)
290Receptionsreceptions.lang (6 - Receptions) (9 - Receptions)
291WarningThisWIllAlsoDeleteStockstocks.lang (323 - Warning, this will also destroy all quantities in stock in the warehouse) (326 - Warning, this will also destroy all quantities in stock in the warehouse)
293ImportSitewebsite.lang (79 - Import website template) (123 - Import website template)
3ByYearaccountancy.lang (238 - By year)
main.lang (845 - By year)
33Eventsagenda.lang (12 - Events)
main.lang (963 - Events)
45ShowDetailsblockedlog.lang (16 - Show stored details)
main.lang (1130 - Show details)
51Browsercashdesk.lang (93 - Browser)
main.lang (762 - Browser)
56StatusToPaycompta.lang (68 - To pay)
main.lang (456 - To pay)
236IncotermLabelincoterm.lang (3 - Incoterms)
main.lang (977 - Incoterms)
238StatusInterInvoicedinterventions.lang (30 - Billed)
main.lang (549 - Invoiced)
243ConfirmCloneAskmain.lang (190 - Are you sure you want to clone the object <b>%s</b>?)
supplier_proposal.lang (38 - Are you sure you want to clone the price request <b>%s</b>?)
244ReOpenmain.lang (206 - Re-Open)
stocks.lang (256 - Reopen)
245Typemain.lang (242 - Type)
ticket.lang (78 - Type)
247MulticurrencyPaymentAmountmain.lang (396 - Payment amount, original currency)
multicurrency.lang (19 - Payment amount, original currency)
248Rejectsmain.lang (570 - Rejects)
withdrawals.lang (42 - Rejects)
249Visibilitymain.lang (803 - Visibility)
website.lang (160 - Visibility)
5IdModuleadmin.lang (134 - Module ID)
modulebuilder.lang (2 - Module id)
6NewModuleadmin.lang (223 - New module)
modulebuilder.lang (10 - New module)
7NoticePeriodadmin.lang (286 - Notice period)
holiday.lang (124 - Notice period)
8LanguageFileadmin.lang (390 - Language file)
modulebuilder.lang (57 - File for language)
9PriceFormatInCurrentLanguageadmin.lang (432 - Price Format In Current Language)
companies.lang (31 - Price display format in the current language and currency)
10Stringadmin.lang (433 - String)
members.lang (127 - String)
11Intadmin.lang (438 - Integer)
members.lang (129 - Int)
12DateAndTimeadmin.lang (440 - Date and hour)
members.lang (130 - Date and time)
13Fieldadmin.lang (526 - Field)
blockedlog.lang (2 - Field)
exports.lang (65 - Field)
14Module62000Nameadmin.lang (708 - Incoterms)
incoterm.lang (1 - Incoterm)
15Module62000Descadmin.lang (709 - Add features to manage Incoterms)
incoterm.lang (2 - Add features to manage Incoterm)
16Upgradeadmin.lang (1162 - Upgrade)
install.lang (100 - Upgrade)
17Serveradmin.lang (1173 - Server)
install.lang (46 - Server)
18DatabaseServeradmin.lang (1175 - Database host)
install.lang (49 - Database server)
19DatabaseNameadmin.lang (1176 - Database name)
install.lang (50 - Database name)
20DriverTypeadmin.lang (1184 - Driver type)
install.lang (45 - Driver type)
21CompanyNameadmin.lang (1205 - Name)
companies.lang (26 - Company name)
22WithdrawalsSetupadmin.lang (1743 - Setup of module Direct Debit payments)
withdrawals.lang (38 - Direct debit payment setup)
23Buyadmin.lang (1830 - Buy)
products.lang (56 - Purchase)
24Selladmin.lang (1831 - Sell)
products.lang (55 - Sell)
25AccountancyCodeadmin.lang (1834 - Accounting Code)
companies.lang (351 - Accounting account)
26CashDeskadmin.lang (1863 - Point of Sale)
cashdesk.lang (3 - Point of sale)
27ByDefaultInListadmin.lang (2028 - Show by default on list view)
categories.lang (97 - By default in list)
30Settings admin.lang (2327 - Settings)
knowledgemanagement.lang (29 - Settings)
recruitment.lang (29 - Settings)
2LineIdaccountancy.lang (150 - Id line)
exports.lang (44 - Id of line)
4CustomerInvoicePaymentaccountancy.lang (256 - Payment of invoice customer)
banks.lang (106 - Customer payment)
32AffectedToagenda.lang (10 - Assigned to)
projects.lang (123 - Allocated to)
34Locationagenda.lang (16 - Location)
stocks.lang (40 - Location)
35ReceptionClassifyClosedInDolibarragenda.lang (72 - Reception %s classified closed)
receptions.lang (53 - Reception %s classified Closed)
36InterventionSentByEMailagenda.lang (90 - Intervention %s sent by email)
interventions.lang (38 - Intervention %s sent by email)
37DeleteTypeassets.lang (24 - Delete)
members.lang (99 - Delete)
38ShowTypeCardassets.lang (27 - Show model '%s')
members.lang (173 - Show type '%s')
40IBANbanks.lang (32 - IBAN number)
bills.lang (485 - IBAN)
41BICbanks.lang (33 - BIC/SWIFT code)
bills.lang (488 - BIC/SWIFT)
42Accountbanks.lang (69 - Account)
compta.lang (15 - Account)
43SubscriptionPaymentbanks.lang (108 - Subscription payment)
members.lang (187 - Contribution payment)
44InvoiceRefbills.lang (354 - Invoice ref.)
receiptprinter.lang (69 - Invoice ref)
48NoSupplierOrderboxes.lang (84 - No recorded purchase order)
orders.lang (87 - No purchase order)
49ShowCompanycashdesk.lang (30 - Show company)
companies.lang (367 - Third Party)
50Historycashdesk.lang (71 - History)
suppliers.lang (8 - History)
52DeleteFromCatcategories.lang (87 - Remove from tags/category)
compta.lang (281 - Remove from accounting group)
53Customercommercial.lang (4 - Customer)
companies.lang (311 - Customer)
54Prospectcommercial.lang (6 - Prospect)
companies.lang (309 - Prospect)
propal.lang (12 - Prospect)
55ShowTaskcommercial.lang (18 - Show task)
projects.lang (41 - Show task)
57ContractStatusClosedcontracts.lang (9 - Closed)
products.lang (86 - Closed)
59MinimumAmountdonations.lang (27 - Minimum amount is %s)
members.lang (217 - Minimum amount (used only when contribution amount is free))
61ErrorRecordNotFounderrors.lang (16 - Record not found.)
expensereports.lang (164 - Record not found)
62ErrorBadValueForParametererrors.lang (47 - Wrong value '%s' for parameter '%s')
expensereports.lang (166 - Error bad value for parameter %s)
63Settingseventorganization.lang (37 - Settings)
stocks.lang (315 - Settings)
64NewSubscriptioneventorganization.lang (140 - Registration)
members.lang (79 - New contribution)
65AUTHORexpensereports.lang (4 - Recorded by)
trips.lang (2 - Recorded by)
66AUTHORPAIEMENTexpensereports.lang (5 - Paid by)
trips.lang (3 - Paid by)
67AddTripexpensereports.lang (6 - Create expense report)
trips.lang (4 - Create expense report)
68AllExpenseReportexpensereports.lang (7 - All type of expense report)
trips.lang (5 - All type of expense report)
69AllExpenseReportsexpensereports.lang (8 - All expense reports)
trips.lang (6 - All expense reports)
70AnyOtherInThisListCanValidateexpensereports.lang (9 - Person to be informed for validating the request.)
trips.lang (7 - Person to be informed for validating the request.)
71AttachTheNewLineToTheDocumentexpensereports.lang (10 - Attach the line to an uploaded document)
trips.lang (8 - Attach the line to an uploaded document)
72AucuneLigneexpensereports.lang (11 - There is no expense report declared yet)
trips.lang (9 - There is no expense report declared yet)
73BrouillonnerTripexpensereports.lang (12 - Move back expense report to status "Draft")
trips.lang (10 - Move back expense report to status "Draft")
74byEX_DAYexpensereports.lang (13 - by day (limitation to %s))
trips.lang (11 - by day (limitation to %s))
75byEX_EXPexpensereports.lang (14 - by line (limitation to %s))
trips.lang (12 - by line (limitation to %s))
76byEX_MONexpensereports.lang (15 - by month (limitation to %s))
trips.lang (13 - by month (limitation to %s))
77byEX_YEAexpensereports.lang (16 - by year (limitation to %s))
trips.lang (14 - by year (limitation to %s))
78CANCEL_USERexpensereports.lang (17 - Deleted by)
trips.lang (15 - Deleted by)
79CarCategoryexpensereports.lang (18 - Vehicle category)
trips.lang (16 - Vehicle category)
80ClassifyRefundedexpensereports.lang (19 - Classify 'Refunded')
trips.lang (17 - Classify 'Refunded')
81CompanyVisitedexpensereports.lang (20 - Company/organization visited)
trips.lang (18 - Company/organization visited)
82ConfirmBrouillonnerTripexpensereports.lang (21 - Are you sure you want to move this expense report to status "Draft"?)
trips.lang (19 - Are you sure you want to move this expense report to status "Draft"?)
83ConfirmCancelTripexpensereports.lang (22 - Are you sure you want to cancel this expense report?)
trips.lang (20 - Are you sure you want to cancel this expense report?)
84ConfirmCloneExpenseReportexpensereports.lang (23 - Are you sure you want to clone this expense report ?)
trips.lang (21 - Are you sure you want to clone this expense report ?)
85ConfirmDeleteTripexpensereports.lang (24 - Are you sure you want to delete this expense report?)
trips.lang (22 - Are you sure you want to delete this expense report?)
86ConfirmPaidTripexpensereports.lang (25 - Are you sure you want to change status of this expense report to "Paid"?)
trips.lang (23 - Are you sure you want to change status of this expense report to "Paid"?)
87ConfirmRefuseTripexpensereports.lang (26 - Are you sure you want to deny this expense report?)
trips.lang (24 - Are you sure you want to deny this expense report?)
88ConfirmSaveTripexpensereports.lang (27 - Are you sure you want to validate this expense report?)
trips.lang (25 - Are you sure you want to validate this expense report?)
89ConfirmValideTripexpensereports.lang (28 - Are you sure you want to approve this expense report?)
trips.lang (26 - Are you sure you want to approve this expense report?)
90DATE_CANCELexpensereports.lang (29 - Cancelation date)
trips.lang (27 - Cancelation date)
91DATE_PAIEMENTexpensereports.lang (30 - Payment date)
trips.lang (28 - Payment date)
92DATE_REFUSexpensereports.lang (31 - Deny date)
trips.lang (29 - Deny date)
93DATE_SAVEexpensereports.lang (32 - Validation date)
trips.lang (30 - Validation date)
94DefaultCategoryCarexpensereports.lang (33 - Default transportation mode)
trips.lang (31 - Default transportation mode)
95DefaultRangeNumberexpensereports.lang (34 - Default range number)
trips.lang (32 - Default range number)
96DeleteTripexpensereports.lang (35 - Delete expense report)
trips.lang (33 - Delete expense report)
97ErrorDoubleDeclarationexpensereports.lang (36 - You have declared another expense report into a similar date range.)
trips.lang (34 - You have declared another expense report into a similar date range.)
98Error_EXPENSEREPORT_ADDON_NotDefinedexpensereports.lang (37 - Error, the rule for expense report numbering ref was not defined into setup of module 'Expense Report')
trips.lang (35 - Error, the rule for expense report numbering ref was not defined into setup of module 'Expense Report')
99ExpenseRangeOffsetexpensereports.lang (38 - Offset amount: %s)
trips.lang (36 - Offset amount: %s)
100expenseReportCatDisabledexpensereports.lang (39 - Category disabled - see the c_exp_tax_cat dictionary)
trips.lang (37 - Category disabled - see the c_exp_tax_cat dictionary)
101expenseReportCoefexpensereports.lang (40 - Coefficient)
trips.lang (38 - Coefficient)
102expenseReportCoefUndefinedexpensereports.lang (41 - (value not defined))
trips.lang (39 - (value not defined))
103expenseReportOffsetexpensereports.lang (42 - Offset)
trips.lang (40 - Offset)
104expenseReportPrintExampleexpensereports.lang (43 - offset + (d x coef))
trips.lang (41 - offset + (d x coef))
105expenseReportRangeDisabledexpensereports.lang (44 - Range disabled - see the c_exp_tax_range dictionay)
trips.lang (42 - Range disabled - see the c_exp_tax_range dictionay)
106expenseReportRangeFromToexpensereports.lang (45 - from %d to %d)
trips.lang (43 - from %d to %d)
107expenseReportRangeMoreThanexpensereports.lang (46 - more than %d)
trips.lang (44 - more than %d)
108expenseReportTotalForFiveexpensereports.lang (47 - Example with <u>d</u>)
trips.lang (45 - Example with <u>d</u>)
109ExpenseReportApplyToexpensereports.lang (48 - Apply to)
trips.lang (46 - Apply to)
110ExpenseReportApprovedexpensereports.lang (49 - An expense report was approved)
trips.lang (47 - An expense report was approved)
111ExpenseReportApprovedMessageexpensereports.lang (50 - The expense report %s was approved.<br> - User: %s<br> - Approved by: %s<br>Click here to show the expense report: %s)
trips.lang (48 - The expense report %s was approved.<br> - User: %s<br> - Approved by: %s<br>Click here to show the expense report: %s)
112ExpenseReportCanceledexpensereports.lang (51 - An expense report was canceled)
trips.lang (49 - An expense report was canceled)
113ExpenseReportCanceledMessageexpensereports.lang (52 - The expense report %s was canceled.<br> - User: %s<br> - Canceled by: %s<br> - Motive for cancellation: %s<br>Click here to show the expense report: %s)
trips.lang (50 - The expense report %s was canceled.<br> - User: %s<br> - Canceled by: %s<br> - Motive for cancellation: %s<br>Click here to show the expense report: %s)
114ExpenseReportConstraintViolationErrorexpensereports.lang (53 - Max amount exceeded (rule %s): %s is higher than %s (Exceeding forbidden))
trips.lang (51 - Max amount exceeded (rule %s): %s is higher than %s (Exceeding forbidden))
115ExpenseReportConstraintViolationWarningexpensereports.lang (54 - Max amount exceeded (rule %s): %s is higher than %s (Exceeding authorized))
trips.lang (52 - Max amount exceeded (rule %s): %s is higher than %s (Exceeding authorized))
116ExpenseReportDateEndexpensereports.lang (55 - Date end)
trips.lang (53 - Date end)
117ExpenseReportDateStartexpensereports.lang (56 - Date start)
trips.lang (54 - Date start)
118ExpenseReportDomainexpensereports.lang (57 - Domain to apply)
trips.lang (55 - Domain to apply)
119ExpenseReportIkDescexpensereports.lang (58 - You can modify the calculation of kilometers expense by category and range who they are previously defined. <b>d</b> is the distance in kilometers)
trips.lang (56 - You can modify the calculation of kilometers expense by category and range who they are previously defined. <b>d</b> is the distance in kilometers)
120ExpenseReportLimitAmountexpensereports.lang (59 - Max amount)
trips.lang (57 - Max amount)
121ExpenseReportLimitOnexpensereports.lang (60 - Limit on)
trips.lang (58 - Limit on)
122ExpenseReportLineexpensereports.lang (61 - Expense report line)
trips.lang (59 - Expense report line)
123ExpenseReportPaidexpensereports.lang (62 - An expense report was paid)
trips.lang (60 - An expense report was paid)
124ExpenseReportPaidMessageexpensereports.lang (63 - The expense report %s was paid.<br> - User: %s<br> - Paid by: %s<br>Click here to show the expense report: %s)
trips.lang (61 - The expense report %s was paid.<br> - User: %s<br> - Paid by: %s<br>Click here to show the expense report: %s)
125ExpenseReportPaymentexpensereports.lang (64 - Expense report payment)
trips.lang (62 - Expense report payment)
126ExpenseReportRefexpensereports.lang (65 - Ref. expense report)
trips.lang (63 - Ref. expense report)
127ExpenseReportRefusedexpensereports.lang (66 - An expense report was refused)
trips.lang (64 - An expense report was refused)
128ExpenseReportRefusedMessageexpensereports.lang (67 - The expense report %s was refused.<br> - User: %s<br> - Refused by: %s<br> - Motive for refusal: %s<br>Click here to show the expense report: %s)
trips.lang (65 - The expense report %s was refused.<br> - User: %s<br> - Refused by: %s<br> - Motive for refusal: %s<br>Click here to show the expense report: %s)
129ExpenseReportRestrictiveexpensereports.lang (68 - Exceeding forbidden)
trips.lang (66 - Exceeding forbidden)
130ExpenseReportRuleErrorOnSaveexpensereports.lang (69 - Error: %s)
trips.lang (67 - Error: %s)
131ExpenseReportRuleSaveexpensereports.lang (70 - Expense report rule saved)
trips.lang (68 - Expense report rule saved)
132ExpenseReportRulesDescexpensereports.lang (71 - You can define max amount rules for expense reports. These rules will be applied when a new expense is added to an expense report)
trips.lang (69 - You can define max amount rules for expense reports. These rules will be applied when a new expense is added to an expense report)
133ExpenseReportWaitingForApprovalexpensereports.lang (72 - A new expense report has been submitted for approval)
trips.lang (70 - A new expense report has been submitted for approval)
134ExpenseReportWaitingForApprovalMessageexpensereports.lang (73 - A new expense report has been submitted and is waiting for approval.<br> - User: %s<br> - Period: %s<br>Click here to validate: %s)
trips.lang (71 - A new expense report has been submitted and is waiting for approval.<br> - User: %s<br> - Period: %s<br>Click here to validate: %s)
135ExpenseReportWaitingForReApprovalexpensereports.lang (74 - An expense report has been submitted for re-approval)
trips.lang (72 - An expense report has been submitted for re-approval)
136ExpenseReportWaitingForReApprovalMessageexpensereports.lang (75 - An expense report has been submitted and is waiting for re-approval.<br>The %s, you refused to approve the expense report for this reason: %s.<br>A new version has been proposed and waiting for your approval.<br> - User: %s<br> - Period: %s<br>Click here to validate: %s)
trips.lang (73 - An expense report has been submitted and is waiting for re-approval.<br>The %s, you refused to approve the expense report for this reason: %s.<br>A new version has been proposed and waiting for your approval.<br> - User: %s<br> - Period: %s<br>Click here to validate: %s)
137ExpenseReportsIkexpensereports.lang (76 - Configuration of mileage charges)
trips.lang (74 - Configuration of mileage charges)
138ExpenseReportsRulesexpensereports.lang (77 - Expense report rules)
trips.lang (75 - Expense report rules)
139ExpenseReportsToApproveexpensereports.lang (78 - Expense reports to approve)
trips.lang (76 - Expense reports to approve)
140ExpenseReportsToPayexpensereports.lang (79 - Expense reports to pay)
trips.lang (77 - Expense reports to pay)
141ExpensesAreaexpensereports.lang (80 - Expense reports area)
trips.lang (78 - Expense reports area)
142FeesKilometersOrAmoutexpensereports.lang (81 - Amount or kilometers)
trips.lang (79 - Amount or kilometers)
143LastExpenseReportsexpensereports.lang (82 - Latest %s expense reports)
trips.lang (80 - Latest %s expense reports)
144ListOfFeesexpensereports.lang (83 - List of fees)
trips.lang (81 - List of fees)
145ListOfTripsexpensereports.lang (84 - List of expense reports)
trips.lang (82 - List of expense reports)
146ListToApproveexpensereports.lang (85 - Waiting for approval)
trips.lang (83 - Waiting for approval)
147ListTripsAndExpensesexpensereports.lang (86 - List of expense reports)
trips.lang (84 - List of expense reports)
148MOTIF_CANCELexpensereports.lang (87 - Reason)
trips.lang (85 - Reason)
149MOTIF_REFUSexpensereports.lang (88 - Reason)
trips.lang (86 - Reason)
150ModePaiementexpensereports.lang (89 - Payment mode)
trips.lang (87 - Payment mode)
151NewTripexpensereports.lang (90 - New expense report)
trips.lang (88 - New expense report)
152nolimitbyEX_DAYexpensereports.lang (91 - by day (no limitation))
trips.lang (89 - by day (no limitation))
153nolimitbyEX_EXPexpensereports.lang (92 - by line (no limitation))
trips.lang (90 - by line (no limitation))
154nolimitbyEX_MONexpensereports.lang (93 - by month (no limitation))
trips.lang (91 - by month (no limitation))
155nolimitbyEX_YEAexpensereports.lang (94 - by year (no limitation))
trips.lang (92 - by year (no limitation))
156NoTripsToExportCSVexpensereports.lang (95 - No expense report to export for this period.)
trips.lang (93 - No expense report to export for this period.)
157NOT_AUTHORexpensereports.lang (96 - You are not the author of this expense report. Operation cancelled.)
trips.lang (94 - You are not the author of this expense report. Operation cancelled.)
158OnExpenseexpensereports.lang (97 - Expense line)
trips.lang (95 - Expense line)
159PDFStandardExpenseReportsexpensereports.lang (98 - Standard template to generate a PDF document for expense report)
trips.lang (96 - Standard template to generate a PDF document for expense report)
160PaidTripexpensereports.lang (99 - Pay an expense report)
trips.lang (97 - Pay an expense report)
161REFUSEURexpensereports.lang (100 - Denied by)
trips.lang (98 - Denied by)
162RangeIkexpensereports.lang (101 - Mileage range)
trips.lang (99 - Mileage range)
163RangeNumexpensereports.lang (102 - Range %d)
trips.lang (100 - Range %d)
164SaveTripexpensereports.lang (103 - Validate expense report)
trips.lang (101 - Validate expense report)
165ShowExpenseReportexpensereports.lang (104 - Show expense report)
trips.lang (102 - Show expense report)
166ShowTripexpensereports.lang (105 - Show expense report)
trips.lang (103 - Show expense report)
167TripCardexpensereports.lang (106 - Expense report card)
trips.lang (104 - Expense report card)
168TripIdexpensereports.lang (107 - Id expense report)
trips.lang (105 - Id expense report)
169TripNDFexpensereports.lang (108 - Informations expense report)
trips.lang (106 - Informations expense report)
170TripSocieteexpensereports.lang (109 - Information company)
trips.lang (107 - Information company)
171Tripsexpensereports.lang (110 - Expense reports)
trips.lang (108 - Expense reports)
172TripsAndExpensesexpensereports.lang (111 - Expense reports)
trips.lang (109 - Expenses reports)
173TripsAndExpensesStatisticsexpensereports.lang (112 - Expense reports statistics)
trips.lang (110 - Expense reports statistics)
174TypeFeesexpensereports.lang (113 - Types of fees)
trips.lang (111 - Types of fees)
175UploadANewFileNowexpensereports.lang (114 - Upload a new document now)
trips.lang (112 - Upload a new document now)
176VALIDATORexpensereports.lang (115 - User responsible for approval)
trips.lang (113 - User responsible for approval)
177VALIDORexpensereports.lang (116 - Approved by)
trips.lang (114 - Approved by)
178ValidateAndSubmitexpensereports.lang (117 - Validate and submit for approval)
trips.lang (115 - Validate and submit for approval)
179ValidatedWaitingApprovalexpensereports.lang (118 - Validated (waiting for approval))
trips.lang (116 - Validated (waiting for approval))
180ValideTripexpensereports.lang (119 - Approve expense report)
trips.lang (117 - Approve expense report)
181EX_BREexpensereports.lang (122 - Breakfast)
trips.lang (120 - Breakfast)
182EX_CAMexpensereports.lang (123 - CV maintenance and repair)
trips.lang (121 - CV maintenance and repair)
183EX_CAM_VPexpensereports.lang (124 - PV maintenance and repair)
trips.lang (122 - PV maintenance and repair)
184EX_CARexpensereports.lang (125 - Car rental)
trips.lang (123 - Car rental)
185EX_CURexpensereports.lang (126 - Customers receiving)
trips.lang (124 - Customers receiving)
186EX_DOCexpensereports.lang (127 - Documentation)
trips.lang (125 - Documentation)
187EX_EMMexpensereports.lang (128 - Employees meal)
trips.lang (126 - Employees meal)
188EX_FUEexpensereports.lang (129 - Fuel CV)
trips.lang (127 - Fuel CV)
189EX_FUE_VPexpensereports.lang (130 - Fuel PV)
trips.lang (128 - Fuel PV)
190EX_GUMexpensereports.lang (131 - Guests meal)
trips.lang (129 - Guests meal)
191EX_HOTexpensereports.lang (132 - Hotel)
trips.lang (130 - Hotel)
192EX_INDexpensereports.lang (133 - Indemnity transportation subscription)
trips.lang (131 - Indemnity transportation subscription)
193EX_KMEexpensereports.lang (134 - Mileage costs)
trips.lang (132 - Mileage costs)
194EX_OTRexpensereports.lang (135 - Other receiving)
trips.lang (133 - Other receiving)
195EX_PARexpensereports.lang (136 - Parking CV)
trips.lang (134 - Parking CV)
196EX_PAR_VPexpensereports.lang (137 - Parking PV)
trips.lang (135 - Parking PV)
197EX_POSexpensereports.lang (138 - Postage)
trips.lang (136 - Postage)
198EX_SUMexpensereports.lang (139 - Maintenance supply)
trips.lang (137 - Maintenance supply)
199EX_SUOexpensereports.lang (140 - Office supplies)
trips.lang (138 - Office supplies)
200EX_TAXexpensereports.lang (141 - Various Taxes)
trips.lang (139 - Various Taxes)
201EX_TOLexpensereports.lang (142 - Toll CV)
trips.lang (140 - Toll CV)
202EX_TOL_VPexpensereports.lang (143 - Toll PV)
trips.lang (141 - Toll PV)
203TF_BUSexpensereports.lang (144 - Bus)
trips.lang (142 - Bus)
204TF_CARexpensereports.lang (145 - Car)
trips.lang (143 - Car)
205TF_ESSENCEexpensereports.lang (146 - Fuel)
trips.lang (144 - Fuel)
206TF_HOTELexpensereports.lang (147 - Hotel)
trips.lang (145 - Hotel)
207TF_LUNCHexpensereports.lang (148 - Lunch)
trips.lang (146 - Lunch)
208TF_METROexpensereports.lang (149 - Metro)
trips.lang (147 - Metro)
209TF_OTHERexpensereports.lang (150 - Other)
trips.lang (148 - Other)
210TF_PEAGEexpensereports.lang (151 - Toll)
trips.lang (149 - Toll)
211TF_TAXIexpensereports.lang (152 - Taxi)
trips.lang (150 - Taxi)
212TF_TRAINexpensereports.lang (153 - Train)
trips.lang (151 - Train)
213TF_TRIPexpensereports.lang (154 - Transportation)
trips.lang (152 - Transportation)
214ExportsAreaexports.lang (2 - Exports)
other.lang (274 - Exports area)
215ExportableDatasexports.lang (6 - Exportable dataset)
other.lang (278 - Exportable data)
216AvailableFormatsexports.lang (28 - Available Formats)
other.lang (275 - Available formats)
217ChooseFileToImportexports.lang (61 - Upload file then click on the %s icon to select file as source import file...)
stocks.lang (252 - Upload file then click on the %s icon to select file as source import file...)
218ExternalSiteSetupexternalsite.lang (2 - Setup link to external website)
other.lang (305 - Setup link to external website)
219ExternalSiteURLexternalsite.lang (3 - External Site URL of HTML iframe content)
other.lang (306 - External Site URL of HTML iframe content)
220ExternalSiteModuleNotCompleteexternalsite.lang (4 - Module ExternalSite was not configured properly.)
other.lang (307 - Module ExternalSite was not configured properly.)
221ExampleMyMenuEntryexternalsite.lang (5 - My menu entry)
other.lang (308 - My menu entry)
222FTPClientSetupftp.lang (2 - FTP or SFTP Client module setup)
other.lang (311 - FTP or SFTP Client module setup)
223NewFTPClientftp.lang (3 - New FTP/FTPS connection setup)
other.lang (312 - New FTP/SFTP connection setup)
224FTPAreaftp.lang (4 - FTP/FTPS Area)
other.lang (313 - FTP/SFTP Area)
225FTPAreaDescftp.lang (5 - This screen shows a view of an FTP et SFTP server.)
other.lang (314 - This screen shows a view of an FTP et SFTP server.)
226SetupOfFTPClientModuleNotCompleteftp.lang (6 - The setup of the FTP or SFTP client module seems to be incomplete)
other.lang (315 - The setup of the FTP or SFTP client module seems to be incomplete)
227FTPFeatureNotSupportedByYourPHPftp.lang (7 - Your PHP does not support FTP or SFTP functions)
other.lang (316 - Your PHP does not support FTP or SFTP functions)
228FailedToConnectToFTPServerftp.lang (8 - Failed to connect to server (server %s, port %s))
other.lang (317 - Failed to connect to server (server %s, port %s))
229FailedToConnectToFTPServerWithCredentialsftp.lang (9 - Failed to login to server with defined login/password)
other.lang (318 - Failed to login to server with defined login/password)
230FTPFailedToRemoveFileftp.lang (10 - Failed to remove file <b>%s</b>.)
other.lang (319 - Failed to remove file <b>%s</b>.)
231FTPFailedToRemoveDirftp.lang (11 - Failed to remove directory <b>%s</b>: check permissions and that the directory is empty.)
other.lang (320 - Failed to remove directory <b>%s</b>: check permissions and that the directory is empty.)
232FTPPassiveModeftp.lang (12 - Passive mode)
other.lang (321 - Passive mode)
233ChooseAFTPEntryIntoMenuftp.lang (13 - Choose a FTP/SFTP site from the menu...)
other.lang (322 - Choose a FTP/SFTP site from the menu...)
234FailedToGetFileftp.lang (14 - Failed to get files %s)
other.lang (323 - Failed to get files %s)
237CreateUserinstall.lang (56 - Create user account or grant user account permission on the Dolibarr database)
users.lang (31 - Create user)
239About knowledgemanagement.lang (36 - About)
recruitment.lang (38 - About)
242Answeredmails.lang (175 - Answered)
ticket.lang (72 - Answered)
251OrderDateorders.lang (11 - Order date)
suppliers.lang (11 - Order date)
252CreatedByother.lang (119 - Created by %s)
ticket.lang (186 - Created by)
254FollowingUrlAreAvailableToMakePaymentspaybox.lang (4 - Following URLs are available to offer a page to a customer to make a payment on Dolibarr objects)
stripe.lang (5 - Following URLs are available to offer a page to a customer to make a payment on Dolibarr objects)
255PaymentFormpaybox.lang (5 - Payment form)
stripe.lang (6 - Payment form)
256WelcomeOnPaymentPagepaybox.lang (6 - Welcome to our online payment service)
stripe.lang (7 - Welcome to our online payment service)
257ThisScreenAllowsYouToPaypaybox.lang (7 - This screen allow you to make an online payment to %s.)
stripe.lang (8 - This screen allow you to make an online payment to %s.)
258ThisIsInformationOnPaymentpaybox.lang (8 - This is information on payment to do)
stripe.lang (9 - This is information on payment to do)
259ToCompletepaybox.lang (9 - To complete)
stripe.lang (10 - To complete)
260YourEMailpaybox.lang (10 - Email to receive payment confirmation)
stripe.lang (11 - Email to receive payment confirmation)
261Creditorpaybox.lang (11 - Creditor)
stripe.lang (13 - Creditor)
262PaymentCodepaybox.lang (12 - Payment code)
stripe.lang (14 - Payment code)
263Continuepaybox.lang (15 - Next)
stripe.lang (17 - Next)
264AccountParameterpaybox.lang (19 - Account parameters)
stripe.lang (27 - Account parameters)
265UsageParameterpaybox.lang (20 - Usage parameters)
stripe.lang (28 - Usage parameters)
266InformationToFindParameterspaybox.lang (21 - Help to find your %s account information)
stripe.lang (29 - Help to find your %s account information)
267CSSUrlForPaymentFormpaybox.lang (23 - CSS style sheet url for payment form)
stripe.lang (31 - CSS style sheet url for payment form)
268FileWasSentToPrinterprinting.lang (11 - File %s was sent to printer)
printipp.lang (10 - File %s was sent to printer)
269PrintIPPDescprinting.lang (30 - This driver allows sending of documents directly to a printer. It requires a Linux system with CUPS installed.)
printipp.lang (3 - This module adds a Print button to send documents directly to a printer. It requires a Linux system with CUPS installed.)
270PRINTIPP_HOSTprinting.lang (31 - Print server)
printipp.lang (5 - Print server)
271PRINTIPP_PORTprinting.lang (32 - Port)
printipp.lang (6 - Port)
272PRINTIPP_USERprinting.lang (33 - Login)
printipp.lang (7 - Login)
273PRINTIPP_PASSWORDprinting.lang (34 - Password)
printipp.lang (8 - Password)
274NoDefaultPrinterDefinedprinting.lang (35 - No default printer defined)
printipp.lang (11 - No default printer defined)
275DefaultPrinterprinting.lang (36 - Default printer)
printipp.lang (12 - Default printer)
276Printerprinting.lang (37 - Printer)
printipp.lang (13 - Printer)
277Stockproducts.lang (51 - Stock)
stocks.lang (18 - Stock)
278Stocksproducts.lang (53 - Stocks and location (warehouse) of products)
stocks.lang (19 - Stocks)
279Movementsproducts.lang (54 - Movements)
stocks.lang (28 - Movements)
280Suppliersproducts.lang (91 - Vendors)
suppliers.lang (2 - Vendors)
281ListOfStockMovementsproducts.lang (98 - List of stock movements)
stocks.lang (31 - List of stock movements)
282Unitproducts.lang (183 - Unit)
stocks.lang (47 - Unit)
288ContractSignedpropal.lang (93 - Contract signed)
recruitment.lang (64 - Contract signed)
292NewUserticket.lang (327 - New user)
users.lang (30 - New user)